Litter Adoptionz

Please make sure to visit the RULEZ section and have a careful read before sending in your requests for adoption.

Assume ALL REQUIRE EXTRA breed filez!
I will lable those that DO NOT require extra filez
I will be happy to send any filez and textures you may need upon request :)

Other than that? Enjoy yourselves!! :)


AceHolF3 is my pick of the litter followed closely by AceHolM1


ApKaM1 is my pick of the litter.
All tri's have complete facial markings.


OW used
ArrBohF2 is pick of the litter, she was my hold back and re-named Gecko.
Second pick of the litter is ArrBohM3


OW used
BlahHasF1 is pick of the litter.


PURE-BREED - 28 Generations - 10 Stored
Mutating Aussie OW used
  CofAusM2 is pick of the litter.


Pick of the litter is DiDiF1.
DiDiM3 is a mini, and will grow up small like his mother.


OW used
FiBoF3 is pick of the litter.


KeMaM3 is pick of the litter.
All tri's have complete facial markings.


This litter was requested to be bred.




PURE-BREED - 29 Generations


PURE-BREED - 38 Gen - Tree trimmed (11 Gen stored)

[Agenda][Kung Fu][ADOPTED][ADOPTED]

[Dynomyte][ADOPTED][Stone Tooth]



[Chip][ADOPTED][Ghost Eyes][ADOPTED][Illanissa]



[Brynwyn][Durham][Ennis][Faerie][Fordshire][Haven][ADOPTED][Jameson][Margate][Nosrun][Sally Lightfeet]

PURE-BREED - 6 Generations


